Bonus events will be permitted for this meet. All athletes who qualify for one or more individual events will be permitted to enter
and swim in up to two bonus events, provided they have achieved the published Bonus Event Time Standards.
All athletes at the meet must be 18 or under on the first day of the meet. College athletes who meet this age requirement are
permitted to compete in the meet.
The Women’s and Men’s 400m Freestyle events may be flighted, with the top 5 seeded heats of women swum first, followed by
the top 5 seeded heats of men, seeded slowest to fastest, and then the remaining heats alternating women/men fastest to slowest at the end of the preliminary session.
Swimmers may qualify for the 800 and 1500 Freestyle events with either the 800m/1000yd time standard or the 1500/1650yd
time standard. Swimmers in these events must be positively checked-in at registration in order to compete in the event.
Relays will be timed finals with all heats swum in the evening session. Relay qualifying times must be made by swimmers age 18 or under as of the first day of the meet (whether using team or aggregate times), and each of those swimmer must be entered on the team roster. Each team may enter only one relay per event except any team that has 8
individual athletes who qualified and are swimming in the meet, and whose combined times meet a relay qualifying
time, such team can enter a B relay as well. “B” relays cannot be entered through OME, and should be sent to Macie
McNichols at
Time Trials will be conducted for all swimmers entered in the meet provided there is sufficient time between the end of the preliminary session and the start of warm-ups for the final session. Relay-only swimmers will be allowed to swim in time trials,
provided they actually swim on a relay.