

Chevy Chase Recreation Association
Division: B / 2024

Last Updated: 7/21/2024, 2:21:52 PM

2024 All-Star Relay Qualification

The qualification for the All-Star Relay is determined based on the results of the relay carnival. According to the rules, the top team from each division's relay carnival will qualify for the All-Star Relay.
Sorry, it doesn't appear that Chevy Chase Recreation Association is not sending any teams to All-Star Relays

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Meets in

2024Woodcliffe vs. Chevy Chase Recreation AssociationJune 15, 2024
2024Chevy Chase Recreation Association vs. DarnestownJune 22, 2024
2024Bethesda vs. Chevy Chase Recreation AssociationJune 29, 2024
2024Potomac vs. Chevy Chase Recreation AssociationJuly 06, 2024
2024Division B Relay CarnivalJuly 07, 2024
2024Chevy Chase Recreation Association vs. Flower ValleyJuly 13, 2024
2024Division B Divisional ChampionshipJuly 20, 2024

Top Swimmers in

NameGenderAgeTotal Points
Thiede, George HBoy14164
Hinds, Virginia CGirl16160
Davey, Caroline MGirl12145
Thomas, Ellery MGirl13131
Croghan, Gillan RGirl12127
Makepeace, Archer WBoy16113.5
Schestopol, Celia CGirl12106
Schestopol, Abraham BBoy14102
Muller, Quinn LGirl1399
Thiede, Hudson LBoy882
Mostofi, Addison BGirl1777
Sayko, Nathan MBoy877
Gustafson, Petra OGirl876
Morse, Victoria DGirl1676
Wilcox, Micah DBoy1173
Ross, Stewart ABoy1369
Corcoran, Kyle RBoy967
Gelb, Wallace MGirl1054
Vodraska, Rayna TGirl852
Navarro, Sebastian XBoy1248
Castrillon, Max ABoy746
Albert, RyanBoy1743
Segura, Norah WGirl1042
Corcoran, Julia GGirl731
Fayyad, Liam KBoy1231
Johnson, Declan MBoy828
Abrams, Lena AGirl1027
McCaffrey, John EBoy1823.5
Erdel, Richard WBoy1023
Molino, Elizabeth JGirl921
Lowell, Sylvie NGirl1320
Gustafson, Elisabeth OGirl1119
Cannistra, Jake MBoy1817
Holtz, Nadia AGirl1617
Feinberg, Lydia LGirl1316.5
Bleecker, Ella CGirl1015.5
Patterson, Brooke EGirl1515
Ross, Robert WBoy1513
Anthony, Edward HBoy1212
Selingo, Hadley CGirl1410
Perez, Nicholas CBoy99
Craighill, Riley EGirl109
Erdel, Tom BBoy138
Messinger, Norah CGirl128
Feinberg, William LBoy78
Hogan, Colette KGirl127
Gustafson, Flynn OGirl136
Rosenthal, Elizabeth BGirl86
Simakovsky, Elijah RBoy104
Cronin, Emma CGirl84
Nguyen, Tobias ZBoy134
Bleecker, Mason EBoy74
Phillips, Owen FBoy103
Murray, Nicholas XBoy93
Moraczewski, Jacob ABoy103
Burger, Henry SBoy142
Dayse, Michael GBoy72
McCune, Marissa GGirl82
Boland, Jack MBoy102
Johnson, Kaitlin RGirl102
Perez, Alexander JBoy112
Murray, Caroline AGirl71
Rosenthal, Samuel LBoy141
Vallhonrat, George BBoy121
Perkins, Carolina GGirl71
Burger, Christopher JBoy171
Carty, Olivia RGirl171
Nguyen, Gabriel JBoy131

Historical Standings
